EVP Upload

Do you have trust and estate or portfolio files, in any format?

Do you want a way to easily and accurately price the securities in those files, for IRS Form 706 Schedule B filing?

Do you want to do it by just uploading the files and then downloading them a few minutes later, fully priced?

Then you need...

EVP Upload provides EstateVal's comprehensive and accurate historical estate valuations for your files, via batch processing. Using standard file-transmission protocols and custom parsers, EVP Upload gives you all the power of the industry-leading EstateVal without having to enter CUSIPs or write code — raw prices, complete accruals, mean calculations with adjustments, dividends, mortgage-backed factors, foreign exchange rates, and more — and all you have to do is ask.

Subject Details
Upload/Download Protocols File Transfer Protocol (FTP), File Transfer Protocol over SSL (FTPS), SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)
File Format Custom-coded to your spec, or pre-existing
Filesystem Encryption AES-256
Database Encryption AES-256
Authentication username/password over plaintext (FTP); username/password over SSL (FTPS) or SSH tunnel (SFTP) using an RSA 2048-bit certificate and SHA-256
Certificate Fingerprint 2048 SHA256 plrVj+peL80a5A3K5CWGy/eTSBGAW/7ZCrg483+wnxk (RSA)
URL batch.evpsys.com
Pricing Engine EstateVal 9.1.3
Infrastructure AWS-based multi-AZ redundant servers

If you'd like to explore what EVP Upload can do for you, get in touch with us at developer@evpsys.com.