EVP Upload Usage Agreement


Thank you for your interest in Estate Valuations & Pricing Systems’ EVP Upload! EVP Upload is a batch-processing service that allows portfolio files in any format to quickly and easily add evaluations for millions of different securities for estate and gift tax purposes. More information is available at https://batch.evpsys.com.

EVP Systems’ EVP Upload shares its pricing engine with the industry-leading EstateVal, but mass processes uploaded files, adding pricing to them before they are downloaded.

Pricing and Volume Discounts

EVP Upload charges per security successfully evaluated. There are no account set-up fees or monthly minimums.

Evaluation Domestic Foreign
Date of Death $2.65 $6.60
Alternate Date $2.65 $6.60
Distribution Date $1.45 $5.40
Appraisal Date $1.20 $5.15
Research $1.20

All prices are per security evaluated. All Collateralized Mortgage Obligations (CMOs) evaluations have a flat fee of $6.60. American Depository Receipts (ADRs) are priced as domestic securities.

Discounts are applied at the end of each month, and are based upon the total usage across an entire firm. Each individual account within the firm receives an invoice with the firm’s discount rate applied.

Bill Discount
$0.00 - $1,000.00
$1,000.01 - $2,000.00 15%
$2,000.01 - $5,000.00 20%
$5,000.01 - $10,000.00 25%
$10,000.01 - $20,000.00 30%
$20,000.01 + 35%

Invoices are sent at the start of the month, for charges incurred the previous month, either via the post or e-mail. An account may have its EVP Upload access shut down if payment falls too far in arrears.

Last updated January 1, 2025.

Hours and Support

EVP Upload operates continuously, with the exception of weekly downtime by our primary data supplier, late Saturday night.

The EVP Systems Support Department is open from 7:30am through 4:30pm PT, every day the New York Stock Exchange is open, and is available free of charge. The department can be contacted via e-mail at support@evpsys.com, via phone at (818) 313-6300, or via fax at (818) 313-6313. Questions will be responded to by the next business day, though usually much faster.


EVP Upload can perform evaluations with just a security identifier and evaluation date, requiring no personally identifiable information (PII) or sensitive personal information (SPI) for decedents. However, to manage full portfolios via the service, lot sizes must also be included. Decedent names and account numbers can also be sent, at the user’s discretion. Depending on the file-transfer protocol used, all data can be encrypted in transit, and it is all encryupted at rest, protected by private keys or high-complexity passwords. EVP Systems employees with access to the data are limited to technical administrative staff.

EVP Systems respects both the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), does not sell or allow third-parties access to any of the client information it holds, and will provide or delete it upon request.

Warranties, Limitations, and Liability

Reports and data produced by EVP Upload are intended for estate- and gift-tax filings with the IRS, however they may be used in any context that suits your needs. If the data is used unadulterated and without addition, subtraction, or modification aside from form, you may reference them using EVP Systems brand names or trademarks, for instance, "an EVP Upload report." If any modification is made to the data, however, no EVP Systems brand name or trademark may be used in association with the altered report.

EVP Upload provides security evaluations based upon historical data which EVP Systems believes to be accurate. However, EVP Systems makes no warranties, expressed, implied, or statutory including but not limited to the implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose and merchantability. The company shall not be liable for any loss or damage claimed to have resulted from the use of EVP Upload work-product except for damage resulting from EVP Systems’ gross negligence. In no event shall EVP Systems be liable for any special, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punative damages.